
Tricks Grocery Stores Wish You Didn’t Know

Here’s a little secret on money-saving grocery shopping tricks…

  • Trick # 1: End-of-Aisle Displays: These are prime spots for retailers, often used to showcase products on sale or popular items. However, not all items on these displays are discounted. Retailers sometimes mix full-price items with sale items to give the impression that everything is on sale. Always check the prices carefully before adding them to your grocery cart to save money.
  • Trick #2: Eye-Level Products: Retailers typically place higher-priced or premium products at eye level in the grocery store.  Familiarise yourself with items above and below these which often contain more affordable or generic brand alternatives to save money.
  • Savvy Shopping: Being aware of these money-saving grocery shopping tricks in the grocery store helps you make informed decisions.

For more money-saving grocery shopping tricks look at tip # 1

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